Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can I ask my credit card company to remove a closed account from my credit report?

I never had a late payment or any other kind of derogatory remarks. I want it removed for personal reasons. Will a credit card company hesitate to remove it from my credit report at my request?||| - the information is held through three credit reporting agencies and although it is personal shows solid credit stability so you may reconsider this move as it may lower your credit score if the aforementioned information is correct. They will typically not alter reporting for any reason unless it is a direct FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) violation. The federal trade commission oversees the FCRA and credit information and consumer rights regarding this information.|||Every Card you cancel (Closed Account) will stay on your credit report for up to 2 years and will than disappear on it's own. Nothing you can do about it unless you directly talk to the credit bureau and they probably not gonna change it unless it was an account you never had. Anyhow why would you want it removed ? If you do have a good payment history it helps your credit.|||It is doubtful that they will remove it. The information is being reported correctly.|||Derogatory items age off your credit file in 7-1/2 years from the date of first deficiency. However, accounts in good standing stay longer. Since this account has a positive impact on your file, there really is no reason to delete it.

I can't imagine what "personal reasons" you might have for wanting this account removed. It isn't like a lot of people will see this account on your file.

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