Monday, December 12, 2011

How can I get a lower credit card processing fee?

I want to subscribe to a credit card processing service for my online webstore. However, the cost is somewhat higher than I expected. How can I get a lower credit card processing fee?|||Dylan %26amp; Kathleen %26amp; LL COOL LOIS!

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Spamming is not allowed on Yahoo Answers!|||You can get the lowest rates using Enablest.

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|||Yes. Negotiate your rates. Some larger companies offer a low price/rate guarantee, such as Shop around and bring several quotes to the table to get the best fees possible. Never get into a term contract so you can leave if rates are not as promised.

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|||Speak with several online credit card companies and ask for preferential rates.|||I think you should negotiate your fees. Credit card companies have different fees for the same type of service. If you comparison shop around, then you could settle for the company that best fit the needs of your business. Try to negotiate your fees. For example, if your company charges $0.40 for your per transaction fee. haggle till you get either $0.20 or $0.25. Companies are willing to trim off a few cents' worth from their usual charges. It might be small to them but could mean a lot to your business.

If you want to read more about ways to get the best credit card processing deals, visit the link below.

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