Saturday, December 17, 2011

What happens if i never pay off my credit card?

So i have a credit card with 700$ in it and i've already used it all but now i need to pay it off. But the thing is i don't want to.

I wanted to know what will happen. Will they keep charging me for late fees and increase the debt further? I already know that my credit score will suffer because of this but how much? This is actually the only opened card i have on deck right now.|||If you never pay of your credit first, you will receive numerous calls from the bank to pay your bills, if you still don't make progress, the calls would increase and letters would be sent as reminders and later on as warnings.After a period of time, you would receive calls not from the bank but the debt collection agency instead.The agency holds the right to call you at any time of the day be it night or morning and force you to pay with any method. This sometimes includes harassment and harsh conversations.If the court finds you guilty, the agency has the right to deduct your paycheck and liquidize your assets to get their money back. Finally they would blacklist you from other bank facilities as well. Better you pay|||Of course your debt will increase further. They are in the business to make money. They are not going to write off your debt.

You will be making a huge mistake if you never pay off your credit card. Once you miss a payment, your APR will be raised to 30% or so because they want to make as much money as they can. You will have the interest rate plus late fees and your balance will go up even more. They will probably let your fees continue this way for 6-12 months. Then they will take you to court and sue you. They can get a court order to garnish your wages so that your paycheck goes directly to your debt. You may not have enough left for rent, food, and utilities, but that will be your problem.

Your credit score will plummet to an awful rating and you will have trouble renting an apartment, buying/leasing a car, or even just finding a new job.

Pay off your debt and then cut up your card if you don't want to use it.|||If you only have a $700 debt on the card now, you NEED to pay it off otherwise with late fees and over the limit fees, you could easily (and quickly) climb to over $1000 due.

Credit Card companies will sue you for their money. Depending on where you live, they can garnish your wages, sheriff sale some belongings, etc. This bad credit info will definitely destroy your credit score for quite some time. If you can swing it, get it paid off as quickly as you can. Even making the minimum payment plus a little extra is better than not paying at all.|||Just pay it off, then cut up the credit card because you're too irresponsible to be allowed around money. $700 is a drop in the bucket compared to the harassment from the creditor/collection agency and damage to your reputation it'll bring. And it will easily cost more than that in the long run when you're forced to pay higher interest for a car or home loan. Even some insurance companies charge more if you have bad credit.|||Hey jobtrakes: Whats up? Let me tell you- IF you let this go your credit will be very poor. IF you need a loan to buy a car or a house or even rent a house/apt. Your credit score can also effect your possibility of landing that great job you may be seeking. Your future credit cards will have the highest interest rates on them also. So my advise would be to pay it even if you have to eat dinner IN for a couple months. Hope this helped. Good luck.|||IF ITS 700 PAY IT BECAUSE THEY WILL CHARGE PENALTIES AND LATE FEES AND IF U DONT PAY IT ITS NEVER GOING TO GO AWAY IM IN THE CREDIT INDUSTRY AND I HAVE SEEN ACOUNTS GO FROM 1,000 TO 6,500 ON A 27.7 INTREST FEE IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE PAYING IT CALL THE COMPANY SEE IF U CAN WORK OUT A PPA OR PAYMENT PLAN ALSO U COULD WAIT UNTIL IT GETS TO COLLECTIONS AND SETTLE THE ACOUNT FOR LESS THEN THE TOTAL BALANCE BUT IT WOULD HURT YOUR CREDIT AND IF IT IS THE ONLY CARD DEFF PAY IT OFF DONT LET IT GO AT ALL IT COULD MEAN THE DIFFRENCE OF YOU GETTING A HOME OR A CAR A FEW YEARS DOWN THE ROAD LITERALY|||Yes and they bother you day and night until you die of old age. They will get a judgment and garnish future wages. Just pay it off

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