Thursday, December 15, 2011

How can I get a credit card company to take something off my credit report?

My credit card account is currently in good standing but in November of 2006 I was 60 days past due. Your credit report shows your payment history for 7 years so this is showing as a negative on my credit report. I've heard that you can ask the credit card company to take it off without doing a "hard pull" or something on your credit. Please help!!|||What you're talking about is sometimes referred to as a "goodwill clear" -- in recognition of your overall good standing as a customer, a creditor agrees to remove record of an isolated instance of delinquency.

Creditors were pretty willing to grant such requests in the past -- especially if they were accompanied by evidence of some type of hardship that gave rise to the delinquency. They're less willing to grant such requests now -- they've been flooded by such requests the last couple of years by customers who are somewhat reckless with their credit, but figure they might as well take a shot at the request anyway.

It's worth making a run at this. Call your issuer and ask for the name and address of the department to which to send the request. Follow up with a letter than includes a copy of your current credit report entry for the account. Offer up a plausibly acceptable reason for the delinquency (include any documentation that might be applicable), and that they show consideration for your overall good standing with them. Don't hesitate to ask even if the best explanation you can offer is you got caught up in a hectic period that kept you from handling day to day responsibilities as you would have liked. You have your strong account performance since on your side.|||You can ask, but it is extremely unlikely that your credit card company will remove that late. It's a legit negative and part of your history. Credit card companies use the info in credit reports and rely on the accuracy to make credit decisions. They tend to be sticklers for not removing accurate info.

The good news is that the older the item, the less impact on your score. Most of your score is based on the last 24 months. So be sure to pay every bill on time and eventually you will 'rehab' that account.|||If you own your cc company money that you can say that you are trying to get a loan and this neg items on my credit report is causing me not to get a loan. if i pay it off would you take it off my cc report if you have already paid them they will not do it. if they say know hang up and try again hope fully you will get a person that will do it for you. stay away from fix credit dr|||If it is past due still, you can ask them to do a "payment for deletion" (have them verify this in writing before you pay)

If it is current and in good standing and you never did this before, just call them up and ask. A lot of times they will do it to keep a good customer.|||Not sure where you are going with a hard pull, unless you are talking about a deletion, which are used usually when someone makes a settlement, on an accout, at a high percentage, a creditor will delete the acct. completely like it was never there.

If you have a lot of credit cards, that shouldn't be hurting too bad, but if you only have a few than it might be able to knock you down.

With the credit crunch, everything is tight. It sounds like that is the only acct you have? If that is the only acct you have, the fact that you have one acct is hurting you. I don't know how to remedy that, it won't disappear, unless you make the acct disappear,,,,,,,by paying it in full.|||Dont count on it. Asking bad to come off your credit report is like asking to be admitted in to heaven early.|||You where 30 then 60 days late, sorry they cannot change that it has already been reported, and reported correctly

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