Saturday, December 17, 2011

What is the purpose of signing the back of a credit card?

I never sign the back of a credit card, but have always wondered what purpose it served. I've used my credit card for over two years and have never had a problem with it. Not a single merchant as asked me for my ID while using it. I have heard that not signing it, or writing "See ID" or something similar is supposed to protect you in case your card is stolen, however I do not see how this would be possible if no one even looks at your card. If no one looks then what is the purpose of signing it?|||You're right -- no one ever checks the signature. I feel the same way about courier companies. They lose the package but then tell me they "have a signature" and threfore that magically means that it was delivered. They don't seem to care that it is not MY signature, nor the signature of anyone that lives in my house. :)

Funny story -- my friend has "See ID" on the back of her credit card. A clerk made her sign the receipt "See ID" so that the signature matched the credit card. My friend tried to explain to this youn, inexperienced person that wasn't really the point of why her card said "see ID", but the clerk didn't care. She would not let her leave the store until the 'signatures' matched -- she never did check her ID. LOL|||The person accepting the card is supposed to confirm that the signature on the back of you card matches that of the signature on the slip you sign during a transaction. Nearly no one ever does this. And signing the card gives a thief a picture perfect look at your signature so they can forge it.|||So that a thief can forge your signature. I never sign any of my cards, I always write C.I.D. on the back of them. Not everywhere checks but the ones that do, I don't have a problem with it at all. It's for my own protection.|||Theoretically merchants are supposed to check the signature against how you sign a receipt but nobody ever does. I do the "Request ID" thing, but even that gets ignored about half the time.

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