Sunday, December 4, 2011

When booking a hotel with a credit card but paying with a different method, will anything show on your card?

Im booking a hotel, and to do that you need a credit card. However I am paying with my debit card when i get there. Since no charges are being applied, will anything show on my credit card information?|||No, it will not show on the credit card.

However, if any damages are done to the room expect them to charge it to the card. The card is for the company to have "insurance" in the event that you skip out on the bill or trash the room.

For verification, why don't you call the hotel and ask? Don't mention who you are or that you want to book a room or have already booked a room. Act like someone who is considering booking a room. Even give a fake name if you feel the need. I'm sure they will be able to inform you of their company policies much more clearly than we would.

Best of luck. :)|||No charges will be charged to your credit card as long as you pay all the amount you owed when you check out.

I personally booked a hotel for 4 days with my son school for Special Olympics competitions and I paid cash when I left an no charges were ever on my credit card.

Just make sure that if you need to cancel your reservation that you cancel in the time allot because if you don't they can charge your cc per the agreement.|||Make sure you ask the hotel or person your booking the hotel with, sometimes they just need a major credit card to hold the room w/ no charges being applied and then you can pay by a different method when you arrive. But some do charge the card, so the key is to make sure you ask if the card will be charged.|||The hotel is preforming an authorization for a deposit amount. This authorization WILL show up on an online banking statement while it is valid. Once you pay with another method and the hotel voids the authorization, the ledger of your credit card will be clean.

Point being, if your going to cheat (sounds like you are), make sure the spouse isn't suspicious enough to regularly check your ongoing activity. J/K

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