Sunday, December 4, 2011

What kind of credit card should I apply for?

I've never had a credit card, I'm 22 years old with no credit, and I make about $100 a week. What should I go for?|||A "secured" credit card and only a "secured" credit card. If you attempt to apply for any other type before you establish credit, you will be denied, and the attempt will keep you from getting credit later.|||You don't necessarily need a credit car, but you will need credit to really get anywhere. I agree with the others, that the temptation to "charge it" is quite great. Having car insurance in your name and paying it on time will build credit and if you have any other bills, you can ask them to report your payment history to credit bureaus and they usually will. Another option is a secure line of credit. Most banks will offer you a "credit card" that is backed by your saving or checking account and will basically act like a debit card, but is reported to credit bureaus as well. Only downside to the last part is that you can still get carried away with it. If you do get a credit card, use it to fill up one tank of gas per month and immediately pay it off.|||None. They aren't a good idea anyway, and at your income it would be too easy to get in the habit of using it to overspend.

You don't "need" credit. That is a myth perpetrated by the people who make money by extending credit.

Trust me, I was exactly like you once. I am giving you advice that will hopefully prevent you from ending up exactly like I am 20 years later.

Save your money, pay cash for everything (including vehicles), and when you want to buy a home go in with a large down payment and a steady job that pays enough to allow you to make the payments easily and you will never need to worry about your credit score.||| is a credit card comparison site. There are literally tens of thousands of different types of cards. I personally choose to use cards with some sort of benefits. Two of my main cards are points/miles cards because I travel a bit. My other one gives me cash back each year. They all get paid off every month.|||You will never be able to buy a house using Barry's technique.

NO lender will ever loan you $$ with NO credit. That's for the Dave Ramsey's of the world who are so stinking rich....not for us normal Joe's.

But...I do agree that since you only make $100 per week, it's not a good idea.|||You can always try orchard bank they easy to get,and they do help start credit.....not a big credit limit but once you pay the starting fee off you will have a 300 credit limit..

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