Sunday, December 4, 2011

What happens if I cancel a credit card in the middle of a XBOX Live subscription?

So a couple months ago my mom canceled her credit card and it had a Live subscription on it. Well today came and it was the auto renewal day. My live still works and the next bill date is at 8/2011. Am I now getting free Live or will Microsoft notice that the card has been canceled?|||Your current subscription is unaffected. However, since the card is cancelled, Microsoft will not be able to auto-renew. Chances are their system is out of synch, with the Server not noticing that the charge has been rejected. Once the synch happens your account will go back to Silver (you can renew/extend it to be gold at any time.)

Of course it could also be the credit card company being stupid and re-opened your mom's account...they aren't supposed to do that, but some companies don't seem to care.

You can always call Microsoft and find out what's going on.|||in the uk at are responsible for any charges that go on to your account even after it is closed (unless reported lost or stolen) Its the account holders responsibilty to cancel and regular payments set up on it. having said that microsoft prob wont know its cancelled untill maybe a few days after the transaction has been processed and payment returned. you will just revert to silver.|||If you renew each year, it could have already billed the credit card.

But also it could expire at the end of Aug.|||This happend to my friend microsoft will notice and will band you account untell you pay.

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