Sunday, December 4, 2011

How can I avoid credit card fraud online?

Is there a way to purchase online with a credit card and feel safe? Is there any extra things I can do to keep someone from getting my credit card number ?|||Buy only from reputable online vendors. Make sure they have a secure site (https://)

Then don't worry about it--you're more likely to get your number stolen by a waiter at a restaurant or something similar.|||There is no way to 100% be assured. But the odds of anything happening are very low.

I have used my credit card hundreds of times on line and never had a problem.|||Look for sites that have an "s" after the https:/

That "s" means they have a secure money transaction site|||5 important precautions that every credit card holder should take so that his credit card doesn't fall into wrong hands.

1. Keep only the needful

With so much things competing for our attention in this modern world, having a purse full of credit cards can be disastrous. Imagine, taking out something from your purse and accidentally dropping one credit card. Things can become seriously complex with this simple mistake. So it is always better to keep the number of credit cards to a minimum, and if you really need them just carry the the one you require for the day or occasion and keep others at a safe place.

2. Keep them close to you

Always carry your credit cards in your wallet or purse that stays with you. A lot of people who leave their valuables away from their personal attention find them stolen by someone who is just waiting for a chance.

3. Don't share the vitals

The credit card PIN number should be memorized, not written away in every nook and corner. Credit card PIN number is a security measure so that only the right owner makes transactions with the credit card. Even if your credit card has been stolen, very little can be done until someone actually has your PIN. Read more from:鈥?/a>|||Deal with companies you trust and know only. Don't be afraid of on-line purchasing, just be very careful and slow to jump.

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