Monday, December 12, 2011

Will a credit card payment that was 3 days late effect my credit score?

My boyfriend is freaking about because his credit card payment was 3 days late (and the one time it was late before, his credit went down 100 points! We just recently checked his report). Will this late payment effect his score, or does it usually have to be a certain number of days late before they report it to the credit beuraus?|||As long as it is not 30-days or more late they will not report it as late.|||1 day is late. They won't let you make 2 payments and add it to your account. They take it all and put it on the one month, It's a catchers catch can!|||Most have a 10 day grace period.|||Probably not, but it might slow up as a "slow pay" with an "X" for this month. Usually, it has to be more than 30 days to report late.|||No. Usually a creditor will report you to the Credit Bureau only if your payment is 30 days or more late.

Most credit cards are pretty good and they accept payments on time as long as it is made before your next statement is printed.|||Usually over 30 days.

Also, you can call the credit card company and have them reverse the "late" fee so he won't be charged for that.

They will reverse the fee if he has had timely payments but

will do it only once per year.

Good luck.

and tell him to chill out.|||They usually only report it at 30 days late. Call the company and ask. They will waive a late charge at least once a year so ask for that too. Ask them if they will be reporting it late on your credit score.|||At three days late, it shouldn't. However, policies vary from company to company but usually anything under 30 days shouldn't show up.|||I do think it has to be a specified number of days. I have often paid bills etc late sometimes it is iut of my control though most were ayed within a week or so. I think its when they start to send out letters to inform you that you are late in paying.|||There isn't really a 'score' as such so he need not worry too much. If you do keep an eye on your credit report, you can add notes to late payments e.g. was on holiday but paid as soon as returned. I do that and my credit report is sweet but I don't bother with a 'score' as different companies have different criteria and so they look at different things on your account. A couple of late payments are neither here nor there unless you are blacklisted or have CCJs!|||******* Your credit will not be affected by a payment less than 30 days late. It's just impossible. However, his rate will likely increase with that one simple late payment. Aside from that, STOP CHECKING YOUR CREDIT SO OFTEN. Thats the reason why his score is going down. *********|||no|||I think your friend may be fudging a little, perhaps three days late for an arranged payment of something that was already late before(?) Just wondering, because it usually takes being AT LEAST 15 days late, and more often a full month, before most companies go to the trouble of reporting it to a credit bureau. Someone who has made just one late payment on a credit card is pretty rare, btw, and probably has an excellent credit score by today's standards.|||Was your husband charge a late fee?|||Probably. They get you even if it is 1 day late.Then they raise the interest rate.It happened to me.|||Yes ,Just cut them up,problem solved.

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