Monday, December 12, 2011

What is a credit card judgement and what would happen if they filed one on me?

I pay so much money to a lawyer every month (signed papers so I could do this) but this month I had trouble getting the money. I sent the payment off but it is going to be late and if it is too late getting there they are going to file a judgement. I would gladly pay off the bill if I had the money. I was stupid and got a credit card not fully understanding about the interest and all that.|||First the terminology is that a judgement is filed by a lawyer basically suing you for the money owed to the creditor. I hope that you haven't gone to one of the agencies that tell you that they will settle your debts for a fraction of the amount owed.

"Dealing with a debt collector can be one of life's most stressful experiences. Harassing calls, threats, and use of obscene language can drive you to the edge. What's worse, a collector may embarrass you by contacting your employer, family or neighbors. You may even be hounded to pay a debt that is not rightfully yours. Sure, collection agencies have a job to do. Even so, there are limits on how far a debt collector can go.

This guide explains the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other laws that apply to debt collectors. We provide information about how to stop calls from collectors and how to correspond with them about your account or to dispute a collection action. We also explain your right to privacy, and how debt collection efforts may affect your job, your credit report, even information in your medical files. "

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